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Friday, February 11, 2011

Artist Interview: Tracy Silva Barbosa

Travel East, West, back and forth.  Tracy Silva Barbosa speaks of inspiration, process and paints a beautiful picture of painting and its painstaking process.  Join this draught-person on this audio journey in art! Listen below...


Dionysian Ruminations       2010
48 X 30 inches
plate glass, etching , copper leaf, enamel, stainless steel frame, LED lighting

Dionysian Ruminations - Night (Detail)


Lead Vision       2009
2 - 44 X 30 X 1.75 inches
Cast Crystal, etching, platinum leaf, glass enamels,  stainless steel mounts

Lead Vision   (Detail)


Dancing Crow 2008
acrylic paint, mixed media, on canvas

Gallery of Frost  2008
acrylic paint, mixed media, on canvas

Tethered Chandelier  2005
acrylic paint, mixed media, on canvas

Artist's Website: Tracy Silva Barbosa

Interview With The Artist:

Thanks for listening.

(podcast intro/outro music by Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips)

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