warning: sometimes swear words come out of our mouths.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Artist Interview: Sarah Snow

"Sometimes you have to make a lot of shitty things, pardon my French, to make something really good" - Sarah Snow

Join me during this insightful chat with Albany, NY based Artist Sarah Snow, as she takes us into her process and inspiration. Listen below...

 Alice's Twins
Crayola Markers, pen and ink

 Metro Secks Monster 

Preliminary Sketch


pen and ink on paper




Metro Secks Monster
mixed media (acrylic and ink on canvas)




My Lover, Raoul 


ink on paper




 Patrick Porter, Portrait of the Artist


  acrylic on canvas






 mixed media



Artist's website: Sarah Snow

Audio interview with the artist below:

Artists mentioned in the talk: 

Quote shared by Sarah Snow is credited to Jon Kabat Zinn

Current and Upcoming Exhibitions for Sarah Snow:

The following two exhibitions run through the first Friday in August.

Davey Jones Locker
386 Delaware Avenue
Albany, NY 12209

Mohawk Hudson Regional at the Museum
at SUNY Albany Campus
1400 Washington Avenue, Albany

August 27th-October 5th
Ultraviolet Cafe 
292 Delaware Avenue, Albany NY

(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Artist Interview: Allison Long Hardy

Join me as I talk with Virginia based Artist Allison Long Hardy, as she talks about her influences from natural elements and how it creates order and chaos. Welcome to ahtcast! Listen below.

Underlying Meaning


Monotype, colored pencil on paper

24" x 18"


Pen, graphite, colored pencil, India ink on paper

38" x 26"

Experiment 3


Monotype, collage, India ink, pen, colored pencil on paper

13" x 16.5"

Finish Line


Monotype, pen, colored pencil on paper

10" x 10"



Pen, graphite, colored pencil, India ink on paper

30" x 19.5"

Artist website: Allison Long Hardy

Interview with the Artist:

If you have trouble with the audio, please refresh the page or visit this link: here.

Artists mentioned in the talk:
Brice Marden
Polly Apfelbaum
Judy Pfaff
Julie Mehretu
Sarah Sze
Tara Donovan

(podcast intro/outro music by Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Artist Interview: Charles Pinkney

"If I knew too much about what I'm doing I wouldn't do some of it. I like that kind of naivety to be there." - Charles Pinkney.  Join me as I talk shop with Cornwall, England Artist, Charles Pinkney. Listen below.

Digital works:

Audio interview with the Artist:

If you have problems with the audio, please refresh the page or visit this link: here.

Artists mentioned in the conversation:

(podcast intro/outro music by Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Artist Interview: Lorri Ott

A pain-staking process that produces subtle associations of pure existence. Invented color and found materials that are preciously married into poetic art objects. Join ahtcast during this great discussion with Ohio based artist, Lorri Ott. Listen below!

 "memories and sighs," 2009
resin, pigments, plastic bag, paint rag, duct tape
H 16" x w 13"

 "corsage," 2009
resin, pigments, plastic bag, oil paint, wood, glue, plastic mesh
h 14" x w 8" x d 1.5"

 "ballast," 2010
resin, pigments, roadway debris, house paint
H 7.75" x w 5.75"

 "bridge," 2011
resin, pigments, linen (on wood stretcher)
H 12" x w 9"

"untitled," 2012
resin, pigments, canvas (on wood stretcher)
h 12" x w 9"

Artist website: Lorri Ott

Interview with the Artist:

Artists mentioned in the talk:

Agnes Martin  
Dana Schutz
Susan Still Scott
Martha Clippinger
Steven Baris
Loren Munk at 25:08
Antoni Tapies
Mike Kelley
Helen Frankenthaler
Cy Twombly 
John Chamberlain 
Lucian Freud
Paul Cezanne
Henri Matisse
Giorgio Morandi
Alberto Giacometti
Joan Mitchell
Jackson Pollock
Eva Hesse
Richard Tuttle
Fabian Marcaccio
Jessica Stockhoder
Robert Rauschenberg
Vincent Fecteau
James Hyde 
Steve DiBenedetto
Michelle Segre

(podcast intro/outro music by Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Artist Interview: Loren Munk

Join ahtcast with NY based Artist Loren Munk. Munk speaks on the importance being aware of what else is being made in the Artworld and how it is essential to build a "tribe" and support your fellow Artist. He also goes on to detail the benefits of being active in the social aspects of the internet community of Artists. Listen below!

 "An Attempt to Document...Williamsburg..." (2007-20011), 60 x 72 inches, oil on linen.

 'burg-n-Bush" (2011-2012), 30 x 70 inches, oil on linen.

 "Bushwick Map (study)" (2010-2012), 42 x 36 inches, oil on linen.

 "Members of the Artists' Club" (2009-2011), 72 X 60 inches, oil on linen.

 Artist's website: Loren Munk

Interview with the Artist:

Artists etc. mentioned in the talk:


The Brooklyn Rail

Ad Reinhardt
Alfred Jensen
Sol LeWitt
Chris Martin
William Powhida

(podcast intro/outro music: Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Artist Interview: Caroline Doherty (Full conversation)

Rhode Island based Artist, Caroline Doherty, sits with me to discuss the nuances of her work and practice. Join ahtcast in this conversation on surprise, interaction and communication. Listen in below!

 Artist website: Caroline Doherty

Audio interview with the Artist:

Doherty's work with Awesome Collective:

Artists mentioned in the talk:
Rachel Whiteread
Gordon Matta Clark
Tino Sehgal

(podcast intro/outro music by Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips)