warning: sometimes swear words come out of our mouths.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Artist Interview: Clem Crosby

Fluidity found on a smooth surface. Harmony of line and sometimes stroke conducted musical. Join ahtcast with London based Artist, Clem Crosby, as he talks inspiration and how Art is a truly "fun" thing to do! Listen below.

King Heroin, 2011
oil on Formica
30 x 24 x 1.25 in
Courtesy: George Lawson Gallery, Los Angeles and San Francisco and the artist
Copyright: the artist

Prophet, 2011
oil on Formica
30 x 24 x 1.25 in
Courtesy: George Lawson Gallery, Los Angeles and San Francisco and the artist
Copyright: the artist

Vintage Valve, 2011
oil on Formica
30 x 24 x 1.25 in
Courtesy: George Lawson Gallery, Los Angeles and San Francisco and the artist
Copyright: the artist

Artist Website: Clem Crosby

Audio interview with the Artist:

(podcast intro/outro music: Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Artist Interview: David LaMorte

Concept, Content and some inks. Perhaps wood at times. Visit NJ Artist David Lamorte's thoughts on Art education, process and his journey in development, thus far, in art. Listen below...


wood, foam, cardboard, handmade paper, steel, astro turf. 300, 40" M-16s.

polygon tank 2

Red vs. Blue.
wood, Plexiglass, colored pegs, florescent lights. 4'x3'.

Artist Website: David LaMorte

Audio interview with the artist below:

If you have any trouble with the audio player, please refresh the page or visit this link: here.

(podcast intro/outro music: Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips)