warning: sometimes swear words come out of our mouths.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Artist Interview: Debbi Kenote

Hey welcome to Ahtcast!

This episode’s guest is Brooklyn based painter Debbi Kenote.

Words of the day: butterfly. symmetry. sharp. bright. and aquatic.

In the conversation Debbi shares some of her experiences from growing up in the Pacific-Northwest as well as being home schooled until high school where her artistic life was encouraged at a whole other level.

Now living in Brooklyn we talk about how her experiences prior to that makes its way into her work as well as the city’s influence. And more.

Also part of the interview are two questions submitted by previous guest Connie Goldman so be sure to listen for those. Check out the player below to listen in...



Acrylic on dyed canvas over shaped stretcher bar 

28 x 28 inches
Acrylic, dye and hinges on canvas
48 x 56 inches

(closed view)

Acrylic on dyed canvas
47 x 47 inches
Hands All Around
Acrylic on dyed canvas over shaped stretcher bar
28 x 28 inches
Acrylic on dyed canvas over shaped stretcher bar
26 x 26 inches
Audio interview with the artist:
(just a heads up! the above audio player uses cookies for soundcloud)

Debbi Kenote in her studio
The artist's website: Debbi Kenote
instagram: @debbikenote
Mentioned in the interview:
Elizabeth Murray
Cob x PLOP Residency
Kate Werble Gallery @kate_werble_gallery
Bob's in Bushwick @bobs_gallery1r
5-50 Gallery @550gallery
Big thanks goes out to Debbi for the fun conversation! and also to Connie Goldman for submitting interview questions! 
Thanks to the listeners out there as well...
(Original podcast intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)