warning: sometimes swear words come out of our mouths.

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Monday, December 28, 2015

Intermission for the Holidays

Holiday Greetings to the ahtcast listening commnity, and to the previous guests! 
Have a safe, fun and joyous season.

Look for ahtcast to return with new interviews in February. Cheers!

In the meantime, please check out previously released interviews via the tabs at the top of the page. Listen soon! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Artist Interview: Katy Stone

oil on aluminum
72" diameter

Words of the day: parts. ontology. suggestive. gravity. distilled.

Seattle based artist, Katy Stone, joins ahtcast to share her thoughts and process. Making and looking are very important to Stone's studio practice, it brings a greater spontaneous element to her work. Duality can be found in the work such as organic, and calculated gestures. Listen in as the materials used in this assemblage work are discussed and said to be falling, spreading, and unbound by the
environments they dwell in. Listen below for more.

Vincent's Moon
17" x 11" x 1"
acrylic on Duralar, pins

Other World small works
dimensions variable
studio view

Yellow Current
oil on aluminum
90" x 75" x 2"

Audio interview with the artist:

The artist's website: Katy Stone

Artist's etc. mentioned in the conversation:

Judy Pfaff
Odilon Redon
Gustav Klimt
Ana Mendieta
Joan Mitchell
Pat Steir
Jessica Stockholder
Richard Tuttle
Polly Apfelbaum
Anish Kapoor
Eva Hesse
Cy Twombly
John Marin
Arthur Dove
 Kyle Staver
Charles Garabedian
John Cage

The Velvet Underground song "Candy Says"

The Sense of Sight by John Berger.


 A quote Katy Stone wishes to share:

"Nothing is less real than realism. Details are confusing. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis, that we get at the real meaning of things" --Georgia O'Keeffe, 1922

(Original ahtcast intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)

Thanks for listening!