warning: sometimes swear words come out of our mouths.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Artist Interview: Louise P. Sloane

Constructing paintings with "creative free-ness" utilizing grids and structures.  Join me, and ahtcast, in this conversation with New York based painter, Louise P. Sloane. In the conversation, she details her process and inspiration and how she has come to change her mind about the benefits of an artist's website. (pictured below are Sloane's paintings with detail pics under each work) Listen below for more!

60" x 48" 
Acrylic on Canvas
"This painting is part of a collaboration with my daughter Hannah Dillon - I used her lyrics for "Booty Bounce" and other rap poetry to form my texture surface."

"CBRRO"  2012 
60" x 48" x 1/8"  
Acrylic paint on bent aluminum panel

 50"x 46" x 1/8" 
Acrylic on bent aluminum panel
The texture for this painting is also from lyrics/poetry written by Hannah Dillon

80" x 72"  
Acrylic on wood panel

Artist's website: Louise P. Sloane 

Audio interview with the artist: 

Artists etc. mentioned in the conversation:

Bridget Riley
Robert Blackburn
Joseph Albers
Morris Louis
Gene Davis
Ad Reinhardt 
Mark Rothko
Larry Lee Webb
Peter Reginato
Richard Timperio
Richard Anuszkiewicz
Glitch Art

 Louise P. Sloane in her studio.

(podcast intro/outro music by Ani DiFranco and Utah Phillips)



  1. Thanks for doing this interview. Louise is a wonderful person and an awesome painter. I Always enjoy talking art with her.

    1. You're quite welcome, Jeffrey. I enjoyed myself very much during this chat with Louise. Thanks for your comment, and for listening!
