Words of the day: color. improv. hungry. iteration. attention. guru.
This episode's guest is Charlottesville, Virginia based painter Sarah Boyts Yoder. In the conversation Sarah draws parallels between music and painting, collecting visuals subconsciously through experiences outside of the studio, not to mention the practice of hoarding paint, and what the viewer can be for a finished piece of art… Sarah also shares a bit on being a mother and what the artist in her was doing while reading books to her children. And more…
We have the 'five words' question making its appearance in the interview so don’t miss that. And keep your ears tuned in for a few questions submitted by previous ahtcast guest Fiona Stanbury, thanks for the great questions Fiona.
So let’s listen in and welcome Sarah Boyts Yoder to ahtcast!
-Amy Sillman
'I have to find signs that are related to the quality of my own invention. These will be new plastic signs which in their turn will be absorbed into the common language if what I say by their means has any importance for other people.'
- Henri Matisse, from a conversation with Louis Aragon: On Signs, 1942
Thank you Sarah! And many thanks to previous ahtcast guest Fiona Stanbury for sending some questions in for Sarah!
Thanks for listening!
(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)
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